实验动物科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 63-66.DOI: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1006-6179. 2022. 03. 012

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动物实验中兔的不同处死方法的统计分析(2017—2021 年)


  1. (北京大学人民医院 动物实验室,北京 100044)
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-01 出版日期:2022-06-28 发布日期:2022-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 牛屹东( 1972—) ,男,副研究员,研究方向:实验动物科学. E-mail: niuyd07@ yahoo. com. cn
  • 作者简介:李硕磊( 1990—) ,男,技师,研究方向:实验动物学. E-mail: lishuolei1990@ qq. com
  • 基金资助:

Statistical Analysis of Rabbit Euthanasia Methods Reported in Animal Experiments#br#

  1. ( Laboratory Animal Unit, Peking University People’ s Hospital, Beijing 100044,China)
  • Received:2021-03-01 Online:2022-06-28 Published:2022-07-15

摘要: 目的 统计国内动物实验中兔处死方法使用情况,为实验动物管理部门了解“安乐死” 方法在国内的执行情况、制定相应政策并实施管理提供参考和依据,同时为相关学术杂志加强审核论文撰写中兔的“ 安乐死” 方法提供参考,确保动物福利在国内的有效落实。 方法 在知网数据库中检索 2017—2021 年正文中含有检索词“ 兔” “ 处死”和“兔” “安乐死”的文献,用 Excel 对符合纳入条件的文章进行统计分析。 结果 在本文调查的 367 篇文献中,有 315 篇文献中未明确描述兔处死方法,占比高达 85. 83% (315 / 367) 。 仅有 52 篇文献明确提出了兔的处死方法,占 14. 17% (52 / 367) ,其中有 32 篇文献使用了空气栓塞法,占 61. 54% (32 / 52) ;有 12 篇文献使用了过量麻醉法,占23. 08% (12 / 52) ;有 6 篇文献使用了颈椎脱臼法,占 11. 54% ( 6 / 52) ;二氧化碳窒息法有 1 篇,占 1. 92% ( 1 / 52) ,52篇文献中仅有 11 篇描述的处死方法符合“安乐死”方法,占比 21. 15% (11 / 52) 。 结论 目前国内动物实验中兔“安乐死”实施情况不容乐观,并且兔处死方法在写作中被忽视情况严重,且存在描述不规范的情况。 我国科研人员的动物福利意识有待提高,论文书写过程中对动物 “ 安乐死” 的描述有待完善, “ 安乐死” 相关法律法规有待严格落实。

关键词: 兔, 安乐死, 动物福利

Abstract: Objective To assess the euthanasia method used for rabbits in domestic animal experiments, and to provide references and basis administrative authorities of laboratory animal management to understand the implementation of euthanasia method in China, to formulate corresponding policies and implement management. Meanwhile, to strengthen the review of relevant academic journals in euthanasia method for effective implementation of animal welfare in China. Method the CNKI database was retrieved from 2017 to 2021 for literatures containing the searching terms “ rabbit” “ rabbit” and “ execution” “ euthanasia” , in the text, and the excel program was used to perform statistical analysis. Result Among the 367 literatures investigated, 315 literatures ( 85. 83%) did not clearly describe the euthanasia method in rabbits. Only 52 literatures ( 14. 17%) clearly proposed the euthanasia method, and air embolization was reported in 32 literatures ( 61. 54%) ; excessive anesthesia was reported in 12 literatures ( 23. 08%) ; cervical dislocation was reported in 6 articles ( 11. 54%) ; carbon dioxide asphyxiation method was used in 1 article (1. 92%) . Among the 52 articles, only 11 articles (21. 15%) described the method of execution corresponding with the method of euthanasia. Conclusion At present, the implementation of "
euthanasia" in rabbits is not optimistic, and the rabbit execution method have been seriously neglected in the article writing, and description of the euthanasia method is not standardized. The animal welfare awareness of Chinese researchers needs to be improved, and the laws and regulations related to " euthanasia " need to be strictly implemented.

Key words: rabbit, euthanasia, animal welfare
